MAR 1, 2022
The Chinese Sheng Takes Pride of Place With the SF Symphony This Week
By Jasmine Liu, Classical Voice
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MAR 1, 2022
The Phoenix’s Song:
Composer Fang Man
By Steve Holt, Contributing Writer to the San Francisco Symphony
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June 30, 2021
SF Symphony ready to make up for lost time with star-studded new season
By Randy McMullen, Bay Area News Group
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May 07, 2012
Fang Man: computer-aided composition is my passion
By Hanna Virtanen, Music Editor, gbtimes-Finland
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Oct. 31, 2010
B-W festival a cornucopia of clamorous and delicate musical activity
By Donald Rosenberg, The Plain Dealer
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Oct. 24, 2010
Baldwin-Wallace College's Focus Festival salutes composer-in-residence Fang Man
By Donald Rosenberg, The Plain Dealer
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Composer Mandy Fang Returns to ACO with Wires
By Molly Sheridan, Managing Editor, NewMusicBox
In awarding Ms. Fang the Underwood Commission, ACO has singled her out as"a major force in orchestral music over the next few years."
—Robert Beaser, ACO Artistic Director
... called her music "a delight"... "Mandy has a strong musical voice with a lot to say in the future."
—George Manahan, ACO Music Director

Jun 26, 2006
Fang Man wins aco’s 2006 underwood emerging composers commission
By Molly Sheridan, Managing Editor, NewMusicBox
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Noir for Orchestra (2005)
2005 Centre Acanthes Festival

"...Noir by Chinese-born composer Fang Man. Her well-crafted score, receiving its U.S. premiere in this concert, is launched by deep rumblings in the orchestra, later punctuated by jazzy flashes of brass and percussion, and finally brought to a galloping, thunderous close. It all added up last night to a concise, involving little drama in a spicy harmonic language that seemed to keep the players thoroughly involved."
— Tim Smith, The Baltimore Sun
Aqua In Memoriam Toru Takemitsu for Large Orchestra (2003-4)
2007 Toru Takemitzu Award

"The work by Man Fang, who lives in the United States, is an elegant writer and stands out with fresh sensibility." In commenting her work AQUA, "This is an outstanding piece. In employing transforming sound waves to create a landscape of light and water, it offered a superb unity. The second movement, "AQUA," was fascinating to me. The third movement, although short, had poetic emotional expression and was also very impressive."
— Akira Nishimura, Composer,
Judge of the Toru Takemitsu Award 2007